Sunday 30 December 2012

A useful free software: GreenShot

This is a simple but great application provided by. It beacame very old to use the previous method to take the screen shot by pressing the key "prtscr" and then by pasting into paint. then you will crope the picture area that you want. Just use a software that make me free from all above steps by following a single step. just press "prtscr" key and crop the area you want. Install the software and Learn how to use it. Its very simple.
Benefits of this software:
1. Crop the desired screen area.
2. Saving options: Gif, jpeg, png format.
3. View the saved image every where. On your mobile during your physics test or any other test.
4. Find it helpful in preparation of exams, taking notes etc. 
5. Use it in your own way.
Screenshots Taken and Edited By This Soft:

Where to download: